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10 Reasons You Should Use Coconut Oil Every Day


coconut oil

The most easily available things in our life are often the most underrated ones. Coconut oil is a great testimony to this fact.  Here are the top 10 reasons why you should use coconut oil every day in your life as part of your diet, beauty treatment and more.

Helps burn fat

When you use coconut oil for cooking, it helps you to bring down fat in your abdomen. The main reason this fact is that coconut oil is the most easily digestible of all oils and the liver converts this oil directly into energy, rather than storing it as fat in inappropriate places.

Soft and silky hair

Apply a few drops of warm coconut oil on your scalp and leave it on overnight by covering it with a towel or shower cap. Wash off with lukewarm water and a mild shampoo in the morning to get rid of dry hair as quickly as you can.

Helps in easy digestion

Coconut oil has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-viral properties. It is also rich in antioxidants which help you to absorb the nutrients in the foods cooked in it, in a better way than what you absorb from foods cooked in other oils.

Builds immunity

An interesting fact about coconut milk is that it is rich in Lauric Acid. This helps in improving one’s immunity and protecting one’s body from wounds, injuries, virus, bacteria and other foreign elements.

Keeps skin clear and young

If your skin looks saggy and wrinkled, it affects your self-confidence to a great extent. All you need to do is to dip a cotton ball in warm coconut oil and rub it all over your face and neck area before you go to bed at night. Wash off with a mild soap in the morning. Do it every day to see visible results and softness in your skin.

Helps in the functioning of the human brain

Coconut oil is rich in saturated fats, which is great for the brain’s healthy functioning. When you use coconut oil for cooking every day, it can help prevent diseases like dementia, memory loss and Alzheimer’s at a later stage in your lives, according to medical experts.

Excellent eye cream

Apply a little bit of coconut oil in the area around your eyes and give them a nice massage before you go to bed. Wash off your eyes with cold water to get fresh and lively eyes every day.

Prevents thyroid and hormonal imbalances

Consuming coconut oil every day has a positive effect on getting your hormones function on track. Due to this, you are less prone to get affected by the thyroid, which is mainly caused due to imbalances in hormones.

Brings down the risk of heart disease

Coconut oil transforms the blood cholesterol into a usable form, which is why it has been effective at improving the good cholesterol (HDL) and reducing the bad cholesterol (LDL) levels in your blood. So, it makes you less risky to cardiac ailments.

Keeps you full

Due to the high content of Medium Chain Fatty Acids in coconut oil, you feel full when you have a meal cooked in it. Thus, you don’t indulge in binge-eating, which helps you to watch your weight.

Chuck the costly oils, creams and other beauty products and start using coconut oil immediately to get phenomenal results at affordable costs.

Surprise: Your Partner Knows When You’re Faking An Orgasm


don't fake an orgasmThis might prove to be a shocker for any woman out there faking orgasms – your partner knows all about it.  He may not know the exact reasoning behind your actions, but he can probably tell when you’re not reaching your sexual peak.  Hopefully, if you are one of the many fakers out there, this article will pique your interest.

According to published studies, eighty percent of women have faked an orgasm (or more) in their lifetimes.  So, if you belong in that category, you should know that you are not alone.  Even worse, there are women out there who aren’t able to climax whatsoever.  If you’re part of that unlucky group, then you might want to reach out and discuss the matter with your doctor.  For the rest, read on about reasons behind faking orgasms and what you can do to achieve real orgasms that you won’t have to lie about.

Reasons Behind Faking It

Of the many women surveyed who have claimed to have faked their orgasms, many say that they do it to avoid hurting their man’s feelings.  Perhaps your guy is going the extra mile in order to try and please you, but nothing seems to be working to get you to the point of no return.

Maybe you’re too tired for sex or are in pain and just want to hurry the experience along.  Either way, instead of communicating, women who fake it are covering up their feelings and trying to shelter their partners from their true feelings.

You May Feel Like You’re Disappointing Your Partner

Again, this goes along with trying to avoid hurting your partner’s feelings.  When it comes to sex, if you’re faking it so that you don’t disappoint him, you’re doing both of you a disservice.  In addition, there is a good chance that he is going to be able to sense when you aren’t getting as much enjoyment out of the sexual experience.

Many men are finely tuned to their partners’ bodies and know when they have reached orgasm.  Even still, he may know that you’re faking it and still choose not to talk about it to avoid causing you embarrassment.

In order to improve the satisfaction that you get from sex, you can follow the tips below:

Talk Openly About Sex

Many married couples report that they are more sexually satisfied than couples who haven’t tied the knot.  We aren’t telling you to run right out and tie the knot now, but there is something to be said for people who are in long-term relationships.  These couples don’t normally hold anything back about sex or their enjoyment in it, so they are less likely to fake it when it comes to orgasms.  If you couple that with spending a great deal of time with your partner, you are bound to know everything there is to know about them – including their sexual preferences.

The best and healthiest relationships have a great level of communication in all aspects, sex included.

Ask Your Partner About Their Sexual Preferences

We don’t walk into relationships knowing everything there is to know about our partner’s sexual wants and desires.  What better way to get to know what they like than to simply ask them?   While men are typically stimulated by contact with the penis, women who want to achieve an orgasm can be different animals.  Some can be stimulated by rubbing the clitoris, while others need sexual intercourse or G-spot stimulation in order to come.  Either way, it only benefits your sexual relationship and relationship overall to ask for your partner’s preferences and keep that in mind when you’re engaging in sexual activity.

Why Not Try Something New?

There is nothing worse than going to have sex with your partner and it’s the same old boring sex that you’ve had many times before.  Instead of having sex on Wednesday as scheduled at 8pm in the missionary position, why not give that up and try something completely different?

Whether you choose different scenery, a different position entirely, toys or lingerie, you will both fully enjoy the benefits of taking things up to a higher level.  You are on the right path when you decide to let your imagination take over.

Try An Aphrodisiac

Aphrodisiacs are comprised of things that you can put into your body to increase your libido, or sex drive.  These can consist of foods, beverages or vitamins that work with your body to increase your pleasure sexually.

Many aphrodisiacs are made up from herbs that can stimulate testosterone production or work to increase the levels of serotonin in our bodies.  In a lot of cases, aphrodisiacs are still a mystery to modern science, but a lot of people have reported the many benefits they have seen from these foods and herbs.

If you wish to increase intimacy overall, try a food that is considered an aphrodisiac.  These foods can be anything from strawberries, bananas, nuts, figs, celery and chocolate to watermelon and oysters.  The good news about these wonderful food items is three-fold: they are inexpensive to purchase, all natural and easy to find at your local grocery store.

Instead of being one of the people who fake their orgasms with their partner, your sexual desire will be through the roof.  No longer will you just want to “get it over with” so that your partner will have an orgasm, but you will be joining him in the ecstasy and intimacy created by sexual contact.

With these little changes that you can make to your diet, you and your partner can both be on your way to increased intimacy, libido and a higher rate of achieving those elusive orgasms.  These methods are natural and don’t have any side effects at all.  Consider adding a supplement into your life if the foods we’ve mentioned don’t help you in the sex department.  There are various herbs and vitamins that can work with your body to help you stimulate your sex organs.

Now that you have all of this information, it’s completely up to you to use it!

10 Reasons To Use Turmeric in Your Diet Daily


Turmeric is a super spice that has been used in the Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine preparations for thousands of years now.  There is more to turmeric than what meets the eye. Apart from the aromatic fragrance and the vibrant color it exudes, turmeric (known as the Indian Saffron)is also known for its healing properties. Here are some reasons why you need to include turmeric in your daily diet.

Improves digestion

The yellow rhizome of turmeric, Curcuma Longa, helps improve the secretion of bile in one’s body. This improves the digestion capacity of your body; therefore, it is highly recommended to use turmeric when you cook foods that are high in fat. Turmeric with honey can also be consumed to get relief from bloated stomach and other gastric problems.

Relieves pain naturally

The healing properties of turmeric help you to get rid of joint pain and arthritis-related problems. You don’t have to rely on painkillers in your old age if you start including turmeric in your daily diet right from your childhood.

Detoxes your liver

Turmeric helps to improve your metabolism rate as it detoxes your liver on a regular basis. When you can digest your foods properly, your blood circulation improves, and you feel energetic all through the day.

Rich in antioxidants

When you don’t eat an antioxidant-rich diet, your body tends to succumb to inflammations, joint pain, tissue breakdown and failure of vital organs. Turmeric is rich in these antioxidants. Including it in your daily diet keeps your body immune to external pollutants and harmful UV radiation as well.

Cures stomach ulcers

Turmeric is known to have a positive impact on creating problems like stomach ulcers (colitis) and IBD (Irritable Bowel Syndrome). The anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric prevent recurrences of ulcers by flushing out all the toxic elements from your stomach permanently.

Helps in weight loss

One of the main reasons for the increase in body weight is the accumulation of fat in disproportionate parts of your body. Turmeric helps your liver to secrete more bile, which in turn helps to break down the fat component quite easily. Thus, accumulation of fat is prevented to a great extent thereby helping you in your weight-loss journey.

Increases immunity

Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties prepare your body to be more immune than ever. It helps in providing instant relief to open wounds and is considered as the best home remedy to treat cold, cough and flu.

Relaxes mood

For many years now, turmeric has been used to treat patients with depressions and anxiety attacks. The relaxing properties of this spice are known to provide soothing relief to one’s mind and improve one’s sleeping patterns.

Helps to prevent cardiac ailments

The rhizome, Curcumin, which is present in turmeric, helps to keep cardiac ailments at bay as it controls the LDL (bad cholesterol levels) in your body. According to latest studies, including turmeric in your diet can increase good cholesterol levels by over 25% and lower bad cholesterol levels by at least 10%.

Helps to control diabetes

Since Curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties in it, it helps to reduce the sugar levels in your body, thereby making you less prone to Type II diabetes than people who don’t eat turmeric regularly.

Aren’t these enough reasons for you to start including turmeric in your daily diet, right away?

Salt & Water – How They Affect Weight Loss


salt and water for weight loss

Weight loss seems so out of reach for some people. Whether they are 20 pounds overweight, or 200 pounds overweight, people lose motivation and even give up because it seems like no matter what they try, the weight just isn’t coming off. If you are struggling with weight loss, here are two small changes that you can incorporate into your daily life in order to see results.

1. Eat Less Salt

Even though salt makes our food taste delicious, it could be a major culprit to why you aren’t losing weight. The daily recommended value of sodium intake is between 1000-1500 milligrams. However, most North Americans consume around 3400 milligrams on average, daily. High sodium diets contribute to weight gain because they cause immense amounts of water retention in the body. High sodium consumption is also linked to high blood pressure.

The best way to eat lower sodium is to cut out processed foods. Processed foods are usually full of salt to help preserve them. So are canned foods. It’s okay to eat canned foods, just look for “salt-free” options when buying canned beans and diced tomatoes. Another tip is to wait until after the cooking process to add salt. Only once you have plated your food should you add salt. This way, the flavor will be much more intense and you won’t have to add as much of it. Try cooking with different herbs and spices to discover new flavors and lower the amount of salt you use in your cooking.

Once you lower your salt consumption and make sure that you aren’t eating any more than 1500 milligrams a day, you will be amazed at how much of a difference you see. Water weight will come off quickly and you will instantly feel and look less bloated, just within a few days.

2. Drink More Water

We all know the importance of water in our diet. After all, the majority of our body is made out of water. Ever since we were young children, we’ve been told to drink 8 cups of water a day (2 liters). How many of us actually follow this advice, though? Water is an essential ingredient for healthy weight loss. As funny as it might sound, if you don’t drink enough water, it causes water retention in the body. This is where your body will hold onto water because it’s not getting enough of it. This can make you look bloated and feel heavier. Once you regularly start drinking enough water, your body will get rid of the water retention.

Drinking water also helps flush out excess sodium out of the body, which correlates with what we talked about above. Water also contributes to healthy and regular bowel movements, which prevents constipation. Drinking enough water also prevents bloating.

If you don’t like plain water, try flavoring it with lemon, lime, mint, or cucumber. You can also drink lots of natural tea to increase your water consumption.

5 Juices That Will Burn Your Belly Fat


weight loss juices

Belly fat is the most challenging issue faced by men and women who are trying to lose weight. Burning belly fat isn’t as easy as you think it might be. While rigorous exercises do help a lot in making your tummy flat, it is also important that you follow a strict diet. Juices should form a vital part of this diet. If you include these five juices regularly in your diet, you can burn belly fat quickly.

  1. Carrot juice

We all know that carrots are great sources of Vitamin A, but not many of us know that they aid in weight loss as well. They are loaded with fiber, which helps you to keep your stomach full. Experts recommend drinking a big glass of carrot juice after a healthy breakfast, to avoid unwanted binge-eating before lunch. One of the best characteristics of carrots is that they aid in they promote bile secretion of the liver, which is an important element to help you burn fats in the foods quickly. You can just blend carrots and water, or you may also add a dash of lime, ginger, beetroot or any other natural fruit to make it one of the best detox drinks ever.

  1. Cucumber Juice

Vegetables like cucumber are rich in water, and thus they keep your stomach full by reducing your appetite. They are very low in calories as well. The high amounts of water and fiber in cucumber help you stay protected against various ailments as they help in boosting your immunity. It keeps your tummy clean as well as it is a great detox agent. Fresh cucumber, when mixed with a little cilantro, lime, ginger or buttermilk is a highly refreshing summer drink. If you don’t like cucumber, you can make juice out of any water-rich fruit like watermelon, for the same results.

  1. Spinach juice

Spinach is a great source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, fiber, iron and other nutrients. It boosts your metabolism rate by generating heat in your body. Due to this, the liver becomes highly efficient in breaking down the fats quickly, instead of accumulating it in places like your belly. A glass of spinach juice every day can also make your skin clear and prevent problems like acne, blackheads, etc. If plain spinach juice tastes bland, you can add a dash of lime or ginger and mix any other fruit like apple or pineapple for unique flavor.

  1. Lemon & Ginger

This is one of the easiest and commonly suggested drinks for weight loss, especially for knocking off the flab around your belly. Lemon and ginger are commonly available ingredients, and you can blend them both with lukewarm water to make a refreshing drink. Add honey or coriander leaves for additional taste. You can have this drink several times a day for best results.

  1. Bitter gourd Juice

As much as you hate bitter gourd, you need to understand that it is a wonder-vegetable for boosting metabolism and burning fats quickly in your body. Bitter gourd increases your liver’s capacity to secrete bile, which helps in digestion and detoxifying your stomach. Bitter gourds are highly nutritious but very low in calories. Therefore, you have to drink a glass of this juice, preferably on an empty stomach in the mornings, to see a visible reduction in belly fat.

If your exercises and diet pattern don’t bring about changes in the fat in your belly area, it means that you haven’t been drinking these juices regularly.

7 Things That Are Killing Your Sex Life


7 Things That Are Killing Your Sex Life

If you’re like most people, you aren’t open to freely discussing your bedroom activities.  We all want those fairytale romance scenes that we read about in books and see in romance movies, but the reality is sometimes not even close.  A lot of times, women struggle with a low libido, thus putting a damper on their bedroom activities.

There are a myriad of things that could be killing your sex life, so we have compiled a list of some of the most popular culprits for low libido.  Below, read through our list and see if any of these things are contributing to your lack of fun in the sack.  If they are the culprits in your lack of libido, then you can easily remedy these situations in order to reignite the fire in between the sheets.

Not Experimenting

Lack of experimentation in the bedroom could be killing your mood, so why not listen to your partner’s sexual wants and desires?  The next time he suggests fooling around in costumes or trying a new position, be ready to roll with it.  When you let him know that his suggestions are welcomed, it frees both of you to simply go with it and enjoy the experience.


Long, boring work days got you down?  You’re not alone.  When you’re feeling overwhelmed with work related things on your plate, you may want to leave those problems at the office.  Stress can play a huge role in whether or not you enjoy sexual activity, so leave it behind and enjoy yourself.  In case you weren’t aware, stress can have a huge impact on your libido

Being Overly Embarrassed

Many of us don’t like our bodies for some reason or another.  Maybe you’ve looked in the mirror and saw that you have a little extra in the middle or your thighs are bigger than previously thought.  Also, we might cringe in horror when our bodies make unexpected noises.  In order to combat this common issue, realize that it’s not the end of the world and men are usually more focused on the act of having sex.  More often than not, these minor insecurities are all in your head and are things that he doesn’t notice.


There are a few medications out there that could be interfering with your sex drive.  Among those are birth control pills, antidepressants, antihistamines and beta blockers.  Usually your sex drive will suffer as a result of using these medications, but you should read the labels to be sure of side effects.  Lastly, you can always reach out to your physician in order to try a different method in dealing with your symptoms in order to avoid the effects these medications have on your libido.


There are a variety of foods that can work against your libido.  These foods include anything processed, kale, cabbage, turnips, soy and Bok Choy.  Simply put, you can merely avoid buying these items at your local grocery store and instead, opt for foods that are healthy and increase your libido.  In addition to those foods, you should also avoid alcohol, caffeine or sugar because they work to block key nutrients that help your libido along.

Many foods exist that work to increase your low sex drive.  Try eating oysters, strawberries, chocolate, avocadoes, celery, pomegranates and other items that work to increase libido.  These are all natural, delicious solutions to a common problem.  The good news is that they can be relatively inexpensive and can help you where you need it.

Boring Routines

While sometimes it’s a good idea to schedule sex into your calendar, repeatedly having Thursday sex might not be so great.  If you find that you and your partner are routinely saving your sexy escapades for a specific day each week, you might both get bored.  In order to spice things up, take sex off of the schedule and have it when the mood strikes.

In addition to being spontaneous, you can also go for a change in scenery to make things interesting.  For the best results, get a babysitter for your children (if you have any) and reserve a hotel room that has a Jacuzzi in it.  Consider lowering the lighting and playing some sexy mood music to get your partner in the mood for sex.

Your Approach To Having Sex

Getting yourself in the mood for sex is different for men and women.  While men are wired for sex and might always seem to be in the mood, women have to feel a level of desire in order to get down and dirty.  Sometimes, women feel that they should be in the mood to have sex if their partner is, but that can also work against them, leaving them depressed and having zero confidence.

In order to gain a woman’s interest in sex, men must give them encouragement.  Things like touching, talking dirty or stimulating her erogenous zones will work to encourage her interest in sexual activities.

Overall, you want to be able to ensure that your sex life is intact so that you can both enjoy the activity without worry.  If you can’t seem to get in the mood for sex, head to the grocery store and purchase foods that are considered aphrodisiacs.  These can work to help boost both you and your partner’s libido.  All of the items on this list are controllable by you, so you now know what you need to do in order to make the best of your sex life.

After all, we all want healthy sex lives in order to enjoy our relationships with our partners.  You can build your sexual desire by putting in the time and effort necessary to create great situations that encourage awesome sex.  Eliminate boring scheduled sex sessions, distractions, libido zapping foods and any embarrassing thoughts you might have about sex so that you can enjoy a better experience.  Life is much too short to go on without the enjoyment of a healthy sex drive, so you want to get any obstacles out of the way, no matter if they are physical, mental or emotional.

How Obesity Can Affect Your Sex Life


Obesity Can Affect Your Sex Life

Both men and women often lose their body confidence when having sex if they are overweight.  We all want to live happy and healthy lives, but with our busy schedules working and everything else, our health sometimes pays the price.  Getting fast food or frozen processed food at the grocery store seems to have replaced using home grown ingredients in our meals.  As a result, we put on a few extra pounds.  Unfortunately, once bad habits are established, they become very hard to break.  With food, obesity usually is the result and since we put on the weight little by little, we hardly notice when our waistbands get tighter.  By that time, you might feel that there is little to be done to get into better shape, but there is hope.  Obesity can rule your life if you let it, but you can fight to get trimmer and not let being overweight affect your sex life.

The Connection Between Weight And Libido

If you’ve gained weight, then you might not be as confident as you once were when it comes to having sex with your partner.  If you don’t like the way your body looks when you’re naked, you may become too focused on covering yourself and not focused at all on giving or receiving pleasure.  You can be too preoccupied with how your body might jiggle and lose yourself in worrying that your body isn’t attractive enough for your partner’s or your enjoyment.

If you’re really concerned about getting your clothes back on, then you may not have a good time in between the sheets.  If you’re lacking confidence, then you probably don’t feel sexy.  This can lead to you only wanting sex during the night time when you can be assured that your partner won’t see your body entirely.

According to studies, your body mass index can really mess with your sex life.  The hormones affecting your libido can get thrown out of whack when it comes to gaining or losing any amount of body fat.

Even worse is the insecurity that comes with being overweight or obese.  Instead of enjoying sex, you could be too focused on how your partner feels about your body – leaving you not in the mood for sex whatsoever.

Obesity and Sex

Physical attraction definitely plays a role in your sex life and being obese can affect you negatively.  Obese people are viewed differently in society as opposed to people who are fit.  If you’ve grown in size since the beginning of your relationship, your partner may no longer wish to have sexual contact with you.

In this manner, obesity can leave you feeling depressed.  Your sex life is an important aspect of your relationship and not being able to partake in sexual activity may leave you feeling unwanted and unattractive.  If you’re not involved in sex with your partner, you may feel sexually frustrated and unsatisfied.  Physical attraction is all about appearance, so you want to make sure that your body is desirable to others.  If you are unable to maintain a healthy, fit appearance, your partner may lose interest in you completely.

The Sex Lives Of Healthy People

Those people who are good looking, take great care of themselves and workout regularly are the people who are enjoying the best sexual experiences.  When someone finds you attractive, you feel sexy and lose any inhibitions you may have had regarding sexual activity.

It is necessary to keep your body in good shape if you wish to attract a great partner.  When you maintain a healthy physique, your sex life will benefit as a result.  Fit people enjoy healthy sex lives because of the attention they pay to their bodies and overall health.

Studies have shown that people who exercise on a regular basis feel better about their bodies and have an adequate supply of energy for sexual activities.

Working Out Gets You Ready For Sex

When you get your body exercising, it revs it up for sexual activity.  Not only will you feel better about yourself overall, but working out increases sexual sensations quickly.  When you exercise regularly, your body sends blood to your genitals quicker and more intensely whenever you’re involved in sex.

Battle Obesity With Your Diet

In addition to exercise, you can battle obesity with what you put in your cart at the grocery store.  Buying any number of organic foods can have a positive effect on your sex life and can lead to increased libido.  These foods include: asparagus, chocolate, oysters, salmon, strawberries, pomegranates and other foods rich in antioxidants, fatty acids and zinc.  These foods work to boost your mood and increase your libido.

Eating healthy foods can help you to feel better about yourself and your body and will work to boost the level of confidence that you have in yourself.  When you have confidence in your body, you won’t be nervous in the sack or covering yourself when the time comes for sex.

Share Your Body With Your Partner

If you have been too busy being worried about the state of your body to enjoy sex, then you are basically sabotaging your own pleasure.  Women spend too much time focused on their perceived physical flaws and not enough time accepting themselves for what they are.

Instead of focusing too much on what you think is wrong with your body, work to get more comfortable with it.  After showering, walk around your bedroom naked and get comfortable with the way your body looks naked.  This might do wonders in silencing your inner critic and give you the confidence you need to leave your worries behind for mind blowing sex.

The chances are good that your partner hasn’t even noticed the things you dislike most about your body, so stop fretting about it and get down to business.  If you’re preoccupied, you sabotage your chances at reaching orgasm.

If you want an extra boost in getting your partner motivated, invite them to have a workout at the gym with you.  You’ll both see benefits inside the bedroom and out!

11 Tips For Increasing Intimacy Before And After Sex


sexual intimacyMost of the time when you think about sex, you think about the act itself and not the things that come before or after it.  In order to build intimacy between yourself and your partner, you should think about the events leading up to your sexual encounter in addition to the things that happen afterward.  When giving these times your full consideration, you open the door to having a greater amount of intimacy overall.

There are many various things that you can do with each other in order to up the level of intimacy that you both share.  Below, we discuss each in full detail so that you and your partner can grow even closer to one another – before and after the act.

You may notice that you probably do any number of these things already, but read on for our list of things to do to spice things up.

Massage Your Partner

Before sex, touching your partner by giving them a massage might work to encourage their anticipation for more intimate touching.  It doesn’t take being a pro to rub your partner down, so break out some oils and work those muscles.  Massage actually loosens up tight, stressed muscles, so it works both before and after sex to increase intimacy.  Before sex, it might get them in the mood, but afterward, it could work to say thank you for a meaningful sexual experience.

Cuddle With Each Other

Most of the time, cuddling works after sex in order to build your level of intimacy with your partner.  Simply curl up together, snuggle in closely and talk.  Or – don’t talk – it’s up to you.  You will feel your intimacy increase when your bodies are close without having sex.  Before sex, it will build anticipation, but afterward, it’s great for conveying that awesome feeling of being loved.

Share An Intimate Conversation

After sex, lay in bed with your partner and quietly talk about your day.  If you need your partner’s opinion on something or want to know how they’re feeling, take some time to talk about it together.  When you talk, be sure to avoid subjects that may lead to an argument or confrontation.  Having a stimulating or thought-provoking conversation is great, but leave the debates for times when your energies are so relaxed.

Prepare A Meal For Your Partner

Fixing your partner something to eat can work before or after sexual activities.  If you cook for them, it could lead to great sex, but after sex, it could replenish his or her energy.  Also, you can try eating foods that are considered to be aphrodisiacs before sex – in order to get you and your partner both in the mood.

Have A Bath Together

Run a nice, warm bath and hop in!  This idea also works for showers, so let the water get hot and clean each other up.  Before sex, this will get you touching each other.  After sex, you can sensually clean your partner’s body and possibly get worked up for round two.

Kiss Deeply And Passionately

Kissing someone can be one of the most intimate things you do together.  We’re not talking about a peck on the cheek – we’re talking about long lasting deep kisses that are passionate.  This is another item that works both before and after sex, but can also lead to another sexual escapade if done right.

Get In The Mood With An Aphrodisiac

Using aphrodisiacs have been a long-standing way of increasing sexual desire for yourself and your partner.  As far back as ancient times, people have used foods and other vitamins and minerals in order to increase sex drive.  If you want to increase your desire for sex, try eating the right foods, taking your vitamins and a well tested aphrodisiac.  You won’t be sorry!

Walk Together Holding Hands

Hold hands and take a stroll together for an increased level of intimacy.  People often forget about the sweetness and intimacy in hand holding, so bring it back with full force!  If you are touching each other, it is bound to increase the intimacy you both share.

Send Flirty Texts

In this day and age, we can send each other flirty text messages to show that we care about one another.  Not only does it tell your partner that they’re on your mind, but it also works to build anticipation for the sex act.  Bonus: Text your partner what you want to do him when you see him!  He’ll be revved up for some marathon sex after some naughty texts are exchanged.

Show Them Gratitude

No matter how small of thing that your partner has done for you, always show them that you appreciate everything they do.  If your partner has cooked dinner, did the dishes, washed clothes or simply did something to save you the trouble – say thank you.  If he doesn’t return the favor by showing gratitude, he may just begin to learn from your good example.

Touch Each Other In Public

This goes along with holding hands in public places.  Don’t be fearful of public displays of affection or your partner will sense that in you.  Put your arm around your partner, hold hands and play footsies together.  Never underestimate the power of the human touch in creating an increased level of intimacy.  Besides, sex is all about touching, so when you touch with your clothes on, you both might be able to get revved up for a romp in the bedroom later.

Increasing intimacy with your partner should be on your list of things to do when trying to keep and maintain a healthy relationship.  It’s not brain surgery, but it could help you to grow closer to your partner so that you can build a long lasting, healthy relationship with one another.

Communication is a key ingredient in building intimacy, so be free with your words as long as they are honest and not hurtful.  Communication also leads you to open up about your sexual needs and how your partner can work to better satisfy them.

Why You Should Eat Cranberries


raw cranberries

Cranberries are a type of berry that grows in the cooler regions of the world such as North America and Europe. They are quite tart and bitter compared to other berries which are generally sweet. Even though they might not taste the best to some people, cranberries are full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients. You can consume cranberries in many forms, such as juice, consuming the whole berry, taking a supplement, or eating cranberry jam. Here are some health benefits of cranberries.

•     Cranberries can treat urinary tract infections (UTIs). In addition to treating urinary tract infections, they also help to block and prevent them from happening in the first place. The reason why is because they contain proanthocyanidins. These help to prevent E. coli (the bacteria that often causes UTIs) from sticking to the walls of the uterus and the bladder. Drinking just one cup of pure cranberry juice a day has the potential to prevent and heal UTIs.

•     Cranberries fight heart disease. There are several ways that cranberries benefit the heart. Since they are naturally cholesterol free, they help to lower the bad cholesterol in the body which prevents the artery walls from getting clogged. Cranberries also prevent plaque from forming on the arterial walls (which can lead to atherosclerosis). Therefore, your chance of getting a stroke is automatically reduced. If you have recently suffered from a stroke, consuming cranberries can aid with the recovery process.

•     Cranberries are very strengthening for the immune system. Since they are extremely high in antioxidants, these antioxidants flush out any harmful toxins that suppress the immune system.  Once the toxins are removed from your system, your immune system automatically strengthens and can fight off sickness and bacteria better.

•     In terms of antioxidants, cranberries outrank almost every other fruit and vegetable. One cup of whole cranberries has an antioxidant capacity of 8,983. The only fruit that can top that is blueberries (wild blueberries have 13,427 and cultivated blueberries have an antioxidant capacity of 9,019).

•     Cranberries contain a flavonoid called quercetin. This flavonoid has been proven to inhibit the development of certain cancers in the body, specifically breast and colon cancer.

•     Cranberries also promote gum and overall mouth health. They can decrease the production of both cavity and plaque producing bacteria in your mouth. Cranberries also prevent other dental problems such as gingivitis and gum disease.

•     Did you know that cranberries have anti-aging properties? All of the antioxidants in cranberries help your body to get rid of the free radicals that can contribute to your body’s aging process. Not only will this prevent wrinkles and help keep your skin looking young and healthy, but it also assists your internal organs. It helps them function properly for longer periods of time without having any problems.

•     Finally, cranberries can also help with kidney and bladder problems. They contain a substance in them called citric acid (along with many other nutrients) that can prevent kidney stones, and other related kidney and bladder issues.

Five Weight Loss Tips To Stand By!


5 weight loss tips

Weight loss is a journey, and it can be a very difficult journey for some. Here are five tips to assist you wherever you are on your weight loss path to make it easier.

1. De-stress

Did you know that stress can contribute to weight gain? We all have stress in our lives. Stress from homework, from family or relationship problems, from work, financial stress, and so much more. Stress actually increases your risk of obesity because of a stress hormone called cortisol. Cortisol is released whenever the body is under large amounts of stress, and it contributes to weight gain. Taking time each day to relax and de-stress can help you on your weight loss journey. Some great ways to relax include yoga, laughing with friends, meditating, walking, reading, or playing a board game.

2. Get Enough Sleep

Sleep really helps with weight loss. If you are eating healthy, exercising, and not seeing the results you want, take a look at your sleeping habits. Are you staying up until 1, 2, 3 am? If so, that can have a negative effect on your weight loss. When we sleep, our bodies take that time to rest and digest any food we consumed during the day. If you stay up too late, you will likely get hungry and eat a snack at night. These extra calories could add up and lead to weight gain.

3. Keep a Meal Diary

Each time you eat something during the day, write it down in a journal, or a meal diary. Writing down what you eat has been proven to help people stay on track. When you see everything that you are eating written down right in front of you, it keeps you motivated to continue eating healthy. If you know that you have to write down everything you eat, including the bad food, that can subconsciously make you refrain from eating it.

4. Create a Support Group

Having a support group, or some sort of community is very important for your weight loss journey. Losing weight becomes easier once you know that there are other people trying to do the same thing that you can bond with. A great way to get a support group is to join a fitness class. Whether it be dance, yoga, or a spinning class, there are so many fitness groups where you can meet people in similar positions as yourself. You can also look online for your support group. Start up a fitness Instagram or Tumblr account and follow people who are also trying to get fit and lose weight. Not only will you meet new people and make new friends, but a support group will help keep you motived and inspired. It’s a great way to stay on track.

5. Meal Prep

Meal prepping really helps with weight loss. If you have healthy meals prepared in advance, you will eat those foods. Create healthy meals for yourself to bring to work and school. Cook up big batches of rice, soup, beans, chili, curries, etc. Put them into Tupperware containers and then you will have no excuse because your healthy meals for the week will be all ready for you to grab and eat.